I think a lot of people see winning a reality show as the easy way out, the easy way to fame or to your dream job. I definitely don’t think that is completely true in all cases though. People who win have never dealt with anything like the fame they receive afterwards or haven’t had the chance to work their way up to the job they get after the show. All of this can be so overwhelming for the ordinary person.
Christian Siriano, a 23 year old, became the youngest person to win the reality show Project Runway. While presenting his line of clothes at the semi-annual fashion even, he was blocked from the hall where his clothes were being displayed by a body guard because he didn’t recognize him as a designer. That is just one incident that shows the difficulty of becoming a big time so quickly. There is a documentary out called “Eleven Minutes” it was created by Project Runways first winner, Jay McCarroll, it takes a look at all the months it took him to finish his 11-minute runway collection, raising financial backing and selling the line, and it also asks whether or not a reality show winner can transfer its television success into the real world.
Siriano now has a deal designing low-cost shoes and bags for payless. What he says about winning Project Runway, “It definitely gave me a platform, but for other young designers I would say, it's not the best way to go if you want to be a real, serious designer.” Other Project Runway contestants have sold their clothing in U.S stores, and some have appeared as guests on television shows, but a limited few have actually held their own runway shoes.
Project Runways season 6 finale show is at the Mercedes-Benz fashion week fall 2009 in New York City.
Hey Emily! Great blog! I also think that it would be difficult for an ordinary person to become accustomed to the famous life even though a lot of them aren't recognized as being famous until a while after they actually become it after winning a stupid reality show! :P And yeah, it is easy to just be handed a job after winning something like this , but how much do they actually know about this job and there are probably more qualified people out there for it but whatever! :)